Case studies

Stability and the support to re-connect with family
Rosie became homeless after experiencing domestic abuse from her partner and her family. She lost her home and…

Safe and secure accommodation providing a foundation for positive change
Sophie became homeless after being kicked out of the place she was staying, and had no immediate safe…

Moving on to more permanent accommodation through personalised support
Omar came to Leicester after having to leave his home country as it was no longer safe for…

Support and involvement with our Wellbeing Hub provided a positive turning point
Mike first came to Action Homeless several years ago after a period of rough sleeping. He then had…

Improved mental health and the confidence to take positive next steps
While living in one of our low support properties Tom visited the drop in sessions at our Engage…

Regaining independence and the skills to live her own life again
Sophie became homeless after leaving an abusive relationship where she had no control over her own finances or…

A community of shared experience and a safe place to call home
Paul had been married for 25 years when he experienced the breakdown of his relationship and had to…

Building confidence through the Women’s Open Space
Rebecca witnessed and experienced sexual assault as a child and suffered from domestic violence and exploitation. She moved…

Support at every step of the journey
This Action Homeless resident came to the charity with alcohol dependency and they struggled to maintain living independently….