Action Homeless Kick Off Sports Project

Action Homeless is looking for partners and volunteers to support an exciting new sports and fitness project.

We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded an Active Communities Grant through Sport England and Voluntary Action Leicester. Our bid was made in response to client feedback asking for more opportunities to be active. The aim of the programme is to provide a consistent and high-quality range of activities over twelve weeks this summer. We hope that being active will lead to improvements to our clients’ mental as well as their physical health, helping them to leave homelessness behind for good.

For the project to succeed we want to involve as many members of the local community as possible. This is to utilise your expertise and skills and so we can provide our clients with a social experience and strong role models.

So how can you get involved?

Firstly, we are interested in talking to the owners and managers of gyms, sports centres, and community spaces as we’d like to hire your spaces to run sessions.

Secondly, we are looking for coaches, trainers, and enthusiatic volunteers to run activity sessions. Whether it’s helping run a game of rounders in the park, playing football, or leading circuit training, we need your help.

For more information about the project and how to get involved please contact James Riviere on 0116 2211 851 or