Moneywise Plus Project Launched
Moneywise Plus to work in partnership with Action Homeless to support unemployed individuals in Leicester and Leicestershire
Moneywise Plus is a European Social Fund and Big Lottery funded project to help unemployed or economically inactive people to manage their money and use the Internet safely for personal finance and job hunting. The project will improve the on-going digital and financial skills of individuals in Leicester and Leicestershire and will support these individuals in moving towards employment, education or training.
The project will work in partnership with Action Homeless, which will act as an access point for the service to improve the on-going digital and financial competence for these individuals.
The aims of the project are to ensure that participants have:
- Increased financial confidence and greater capacity to manage their daily budgets – making the most of their money, opening a bank account, mobile/internet banking, and maximising income e.g. utility switching.
- Increased digital confidence – using the internet safely, staying in touch with family and friends, accessing online services, and using pcs, tablets and mobile devices.
- Increased levels of confidence and reduce isolation
This will be done through:
- Outreaches
- Financial and digital group workshops
- One to one advisor support
- Opportunities for volunteering
To be eligible for the project participants cannot be in paid work of any kind (supporting evidence will be required).
If you have experienced homelessness and would like to receive further support, please contact our specialist worker and Moneywise Plus Advisor, Pamela Nixon for additional support and advice. Pamela can be contacted via email: pamelanixon@actionhomeless.org.uk or phone: 0116 4787538.
If you would like to refer yourself or if you are an organisation making a referral on behalf of another please visit the Moneywise Plus website www.moneywiseplus.co.uk or call us on 0300 003 7004.