Action Homeless pull up banner with presentation board in the background.

Part of the Leicester community for 50 years

About us

Action Homeless is a thriving local charity (no.702230) and social enterprise committed to breaking the cycle of homelessness in Leicestershire.

We have been based in Leicester for 50 years and help individuals and families from across the city and county. Last year alone, we provided emergency housing and specialist support to 463 people and helped 139 people move into permanent and secure homes.

Our approach to tackling homelessness goes beyond providing a roof (although we do recognise this as a vital first step). Everyone that walks through one of our front doors has access to a wide range of services which aim to tackle the causes and consequences of their homelessness.

Our expert team of staff and volunteers work hard to ensure people leave Action Homeless with somewhere to call home and the skills and means to live a fulfilled life as a member of our local community.

You can find information about our finances on the Charity Commission website.

As a charity dedicated to creating safe and supportive pathways out of homelessness, Action Homeless commits to maintaining the highest ethical standards in all aspects of our work. For further information please read our Ethical Statement.

Action Homeless are proud signatories of Leicester’s Homelessness Charter