Using StreetLink – Connecting people experiencing homelessness to local support

It’s currently very cold here in Leicester, and freezing temperatures are forecast for the coming days.

As temperatures drop across the UK, the challenges for people experiencing homelessness become harsher and more dangerous.

Facing cold, wet, and often freezing conditions can lead to serious health risks like hypothermia, frostbite and respiratory problems. At Action Homeless we offer extra emergency beds during very cold weather as part of an arrangement with Leicester City Council, in an effort to ensure people are not having to sleep rough in dangerously cold weather. 

You can help to make sure that no-one has to sleep rough in these conditions by using StreetLink to alert local services to people who may be at risk. Your alert could help get someone to safety and warmth. 

StreetLink can be used by anyone in England and Wales to send an alert about someone who is sleeping or preparing to sleep rough. Alerts are sent to outreach teams, who go out mostly at night to connect people sleeping rough to local support services. StreetLink helps existing outreach teams by alerting them to people sleeping rough.

You can find more information here.