Hepatitis C testing partnership success

Ahead of World Hepatitis Day on the 28th July 2024 we worked with The Hepatitis C Trust to invite clients from across our services for testing. Hepatitis C is a blood-borne virus that can cause serious liver damage. It is quick and easy to test for hepatitis C, and with treatment it can be cured.

Working with The Hepatitis C Trust we set up convenient testing locations for our clients to attend, and they were sent individual invitations for testing through our internal texting service.

In total across all of the sites 53 people were tested; awareness was raised on the risks of hepatitis C and the team also offered harm reduction advice

Posters and information were also distributed in our properties, and a supermarket voucher was provided as an incentive to attend. This initiative is a successful example of working in partnership to provide health services to those who may find them difficult to access. The Hepatitis C Trust champions the right of every person at risk of hepatitis C to receive effective testing, treatment and care. They provide education and support in community, prison and healthcare settings to work to make sure that nobody is left behind in the race to eliminate hepatitis C.

We’d like to say a huge ‘thank you’ to the Hep C Trust team for working with us on this important initiative.