street count

Our Response to 15% Rise in Rough Sleeping

Action Homeless CEO, Mark Grant, responds to news of 15% rise in rough sleeping.

“Today’s figures which show a 15% rise in rough sleeping over the last year make difficult reading. As an organisation that has been working to tackle homelessness for over forty years, we are in daily contact with the people behind these numbers and know first-hand what a devastating impact rough sleeping can have an on a person’s physical and mental health. We are also keenly aware that many rough sleepers have complex and challenging needs and require specialist support to help them to regain their independence, for these people the solutions are not simple.

We are committed to continuing to work with our Local Authority, partner agencies and the local community to eradicate rough sleeping in Leicester. An official street count that took place in November 2017, found there to be 31 people sleeping on the city streets and work is ongoing to support these individuals and others at risk of rough sleeping. Through the Leicester End Street Homelessness Campaign, we aim to involve the whole community in tackling rough sleeping with an ambition that everyone can find a home so that no one has to sleep on the streets of Leicester by 2020.”

Support homeless people in Leicester by fundraising, collecting donations, or volunteering. To get started and for more information contact James Riviere on or 0116 2211 851.